Thursday, December 29, 2011

New logo!

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Website Translation Widget I have a new logo! I liked my old logo a lot, but it was using pictures of someone's real babies and over time I began to want my logo to show my art. Here is my old logo:
It has stars and a moon (my previous theme), shows that I do various ethnicities of babies, and is sparkly and pretty - everything I wanted at the time. But as I've been growing in my art, I've starting wanting a logo that showed my work and is all me. However, I don't have the skills or know-how to do that, so I only had 5 pictures and a vision in my head. In desperation I posted on Facebook and a friend hooked me up! She's going to take a little more of the top of the blue hood on the left, but here it is:
These are all babies I have made, my art for my logo :) I love it! Next up on the agenda is some new business cards and birth certificates using my new logo lol

Monday, December 19, 2011

Toddler is finally done!!

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Here she is, my first toddler. I'm naming her Natasha, and she was just finished today. She was created from the Tibby sculpt by Donna RuBert.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

In which both babies are still not ready and I fail

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Well, here it is December and neither of the babies are ready yet. So much for having them ready by the 1st of the month. Kirabo is finally rooted, but it will take the rest of the week to get the other layers of glue and dried in between, so she won't be ready to be adopted until right before Christmas. And the toddler is still being painted (working on her more today), finding it difficult to find just the right tones for her.

On the other hand, there are several products in my store now :) Lots more coming when I get some inspiration. If you have any ideas, leave me a comment and I'll make it.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Bumperstickers are awesome!

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So, I just remembered that Zazzle exists and is the coolest place ever. And now I've made it a fraction cooler by using it to create a bumpersticker

And now I've got the itch! More products from Eden's Little Ones coming soon!

Blogging is not my art

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Ok, I'm not witty or cute or fabulous, so I'm really not that great at blogging...or even coming up with a title for each post (see for just one example). I don't blog every day or even every week, so it's understandable that my readers aren't perched on the edge of their seat, awaiting my next post. But lately I've been reading a few blogs and, while some I don't even make it through a single post before nodding off, some are very witty and cute and fabulous, each in their own way. And after reading a few posts from these blogs, my brain begins to think that it, too, can do posts that are lol funny or amazingly wonderful.

The problem's an illusion. An in-my-head show of words and lights and ideas that never sound the same once written down. And so, though I may blog more often for a while, don't expect greatness from this blog, only the mediocre ramblings of a reborn artist.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

2 day SALE!!

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In celebration of Thanksgiving, and in the spirit of being thankful for the ability and gift of the art of reborning, I am having a sale.

Joseph is on sale for $120 (original price is $145)

Aurelia is on sale for $150 (original price is $200)

So if you (or someone on your Christmas list) have been wanting a high-quality reborn for an extremely low price, this is your chance!

This sale goes from now until Friday at midnight, and that means payment has to be made (paypal or walmart moneygram) during that time also. Sorry, but too many people say they want a baby, but then back out the day they say they are going to send payment.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Friday, November 18, 2011

It's a boy! ... I think

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My current reborn baby, wip Ava Raine, is getting hair... and is looking more and more like a boy! Could still be a girl, with some help of some hair bows and a lot of pink, but look more like a boy to me. Still has a long way to go, but here he is so far :) More pictures when he's done!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Kirabo - WIP

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This is my newest WIP, Kirabo, who is from the sculpt Ava Raine by Laura Tuzio Ross. I'm not sure if it's a boy or girl yet (have to wait and see after hair), but I am so pleased with this baby so far :)

More pictures after hair!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Love these glass eyes!!

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I just got some new eyes I've been wanting to them right as I was going out the door for work, so I had to wait all day to try them in a baby tonight...and I love them!!

Here are the eyes for the 0-3 month baby I've started, just 5 washes on it, so just beginning.

Here he/she is so far with the eyes:

And a close up:

And here are the eyes for the Hispanic toddler I've been working on:

And a close-up:

A little more green than I was expecting, but that's ok, I've known several Hispanic young 'uns who had green and hazel eyes.

I can't wait to finish these babies now!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Christmas Babies!

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Well, I got called into work yesterday and so only got my Ava Raine started a little and also haven't completely born the little blonde girl yet.

But I get off Friday, so will be working on them more after Christmas shopping, which will also be Friday afternoon (I want to beat the ALL the crowds this year lol).

I have the body for the toddler girl now, just waiting for the eyes to arrive (they were mailed, but could take a while as they are coming from overseas). Then I can work on finished the skin tones. I'm waiting for the eyes because I want just the right tones to match her eyes and hair.

I am determined to have these three - the Caucasian girl (0-3 months), the AA baby (not sure boy or girl yet, 0-3 months), and the Hispanic girl toddler - all completed by December so they are available for Christmas for whoever adopts them.

The two girls will be done within a week or two, it'll just be a matter of getting the other baby rooted by the deadline. I got my Native American boy done in plenty of time (he's been up for adoption for several weeks now), so I have a pretty decent span of ethnic and boy/girl choices for my customers.

There is time for one more custom order to be completed before Christmas, but now is the time if someone has been pondering possibly getting a special baby for that special someone (or for themselves lol). After November 6th, any custom orders placed will not be guaranteed for Christmas unless a small preemie or wigged. There has to be enough time for shipping of materials to me, shipping of the baby to you, glue to dry, and (the most time-consuming for quality) rooting the hair.

So the deadline for a Christmas custom is Nov 6th. Any orders placed after that, I can try for Christmas, but I cannot guarantee that your baby will be completed in time.

I'm so excited about the coming holiday season! At the start of October, I couldn't believe how late in the year it was and that Christmas was so near. Now it seems like time is dragging and it will never get hear. But I supposed it's a good thing it's still 8 weeks away because I'm going to need that time to get these babies done around work, family, and such.

Another post when I get one of these babies done! :)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Everything is on hold

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Everything is on hold...and I don't like it. I really want to finish up Aurelia (my current Caucasian girl - she just needs stuffed, weighted and "born"), work on my Hispanic toddler, and start on my AA baby. But I haven't been able to.

I'm just too tired and my wrists hurt too bad. Not meaning to whine, it's just a fact. Since Thursday before last, every day I have been cleaning where I work after work. Our regular janitor is on vacation and I volunteered for two reasons: 1. As a manager, I feel it's my responsibility to help out when it's needed. 2. The extra income will provide for my family's Christmas presents.

But there's a light at the end of the tunnel! Tonight is my last night cleaning...sorry, apartment, you're out of luck. lol just kidding. Janitoring (is that a word?) every night at my work, of course, not cleaning forever. I'll still be (occasionally) cleaning our apartment and helping the cooks (if they need it) clean on Friday nights, when our janitor usually has off.

Monday and Tuesday are my next days off, so I will be getting to do some doll work during those two days :) hooray!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Aurelia is rooted!

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Her hair is finally done! She will be born soon :) and up for adoption. If you like her, grab her, because I have had several people asking after her and she'll be nabbed quickly.

I need to get more soft stuffing, as she is 1/4 limbs, but more pictures up when she's born

Friday, October 14, 2011

October 15th is Pregnancy & Infant Loss Remembrance Day

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October 15th is Pregnancy & Infant Loss Remembrance Day.

1 in 4 women lose a baby to miscarriage, stillbirth or infant loss. Every year, in the US alone, about 20,000 babies die in their first month of life.

At 7pm in each time zone candles will be lit creating a wave a light in memory of these children. Sadly, the grief of child loss far outlasts the sympathy. Parents are silenced by society deeming this subject as taboo.

But I will not be. Pass this along to everyone to help raise awareness. Posted in memory of my son Joshua Isaiah, in Heaven, lost at 4 months due to miscarriage.

Here is a picture of the reborn I made (my second reborn) I made in remembrance of my baby boy. This is Isaiah (I gave him Joshua's middle name):

Saturday, October 8, 2011

October newsletter and new baby up for adoption!

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October 08, 2011 Newsletter is out! Check it out at

The Christmas season is getting closer and my clearance is still going on, but only until December! Now is the time to get that early Christmas shopping done and surprise someone special with a one-of-a-kind collector doll for only a fraction of the price!

Franklin, Rori, and Joseph are still available for adoption, and now there is a new addition to the nursery!

I am proud to present my newest baby, Kemaya, just up for adoption today! She wears newborn size clothing, is rooted with kit mohair, and has 1/4 arms and 3/4 legs. Such a sweetie!! Kemaya was created from the sold-out Destiny sculpt by Michele Barrow. Her adoption price will be $150 (which includes shipping in the usa).




And now a sneak peek!...
This is an opened-eyed Caucasian baby that I'll be finishing rooting this month, she will be $200, and done in the beginning of November.

Happy Fall everyone!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

WIP reborn reborn

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Here is my latest WIP, a reborn reborn lol. I originally painted this baby with air dry paints, but stripped her last week and now painted her with Genesis Heat Set Paints (GHSP). I've used GHSP since the beginning, when I first started reborning, and can get so much more detail and "life" with GHSP versus air dry paints. Originally a boy, this Little One lacked realism and was just too... plain, dollish, blah...whatever word works best to describe how he was. Now she is a darling little girl in the works.

Hair will take a while, but more pictures when she's born :)

This sculpt is Joyful Heart by Lee Middleton and this is the second time I've reborn it. Here's a peek at the first one:

Thursday, September 29, 2011

New website

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Some of you may have noticed that my website address has changed. It used to be and now it is - same me, same information, just an added .weebly in there. The reason for this is the cost of having my own .com website. It used to pay for itself, with the many custom orders I used to get. However, I have only been getting a custom order every few months and can no longer afford to pay for the old website. I have been debating whether to go with a free one through tripod or weebly and decided to go with weebly, since I knew I could insert and edit html fairly easily. I don't know much about html, but enough to modify my pages from my old website to fit the pages of this new one. Since I love my package of backgrounds, frames, and pictures (for my website) that I had custom made, I didn't want to give those up. Plus it's the look and feel of Eden's Little Ones and I wasn't ready to change that.

So, for those who are unaware, I have a new website at and my old website will no longer be available as soon as my last payment month runs out.

But I'm pretty happy with the new one, it turned out pretty well, though I haven't been able to change the header to how I want it yet. It'll get there :)

Another blog post when I get picture of my current new baby taken!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Hair :)

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The preemie girl I have been working on is from the sculpt Destiny by Michelle Barrow. I have renamed her Kemaya, and she is just darling! I can't wait to show her off, but first she has to be born and she's still waiting on some glue to be completely dry (it's still tacky right now). So... here's a teaser, since she finally got hair. More pics when she's born :)

Other than that, not much else is new in the nursery. Another post when I got news :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Finally found just the right wig!

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You know that toddler I was working on? The bb one, from the Tibby sculpt, that had the soft head that was too thin to be rooted? Well, I've tried several different wigs and such ideas with her, but nothing worked or looked good on her. But... with help from my mom, who found a lovely wig, she is going to be adorable! I was looking on all the doll wig sites and human hair wig sites, but she found a really cute one in an online costume store of all places. It's black with curls and two braids in front, really pretty. I can't wait to order the rest of the supplies and finish her up, to see it on her! It's too long right now, but I'm going to trim it to toddler length and fix it up a bit.

I'll post pictures in a few weeks when she's done :)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Baby Clearance!

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I'm having a major clearance on my babies up for adoption and about to be born!
The Christmas season is just around the corner, and I need the room! I usually start getting Christmas orders in September, and since I have such a tiny nursery room, I really need to find homes for my current babies.

First we have Franklin, from the Elijah sculpt by Barbara Stewart. He is up for adoption for $125, a sweet preemie boy rooted with mohair.

Next is Rori, from the Conner sculpt by Heather Boneman. She is so sweet, one of my very favorite babies I've reborn. Her adoption fee is $100, she is rooted with suri alpaca fiber.

And now is Joseph, of the Wolf clan, of the Oneida, from the Alina sculpt by Adrie Stoete. He is a big boy, just captivating. He is up for adoption for $145

I will also accept offers.

I'll have another baby up for adoption soon, working on her now, and will also be taking offers on her:

And another Caucasian baby that I'll be finishing rooting this month, but no pictures yet.

That's all the news for now :)